Saturday, 30 August 2008

LA CROIX ROSION website !!!

I have finally been able to pursuade/blackmail/bribe my DS to give me a hand with the temporary website - - and we have managed to get at least a few things up. Not many products are listed yet, and it won't have online payment facilities as yet, this is something we will install on the permanent website in the future, but of course anybody who would like to purchase some of the products can pay by Paypal or in the UK by cheque or postal order.

Sigh, setting up a website certainly is a major undertaking and there are so many things to remember, every day something else crops up, so my notebook is rapidly filling up with reminders. I hope the wonderful people who have bought products in the past despite the lack of a decent website are going to be patient for a little while longer.

Today, Saturday, I need to make the most of the little bit of sunshine we are enjoying at the moment and take some more product photos outdoors. Keep your fingers crossed that the sunshine will last more than just half hour or so, lol! And then I have to think of something to bribe my DS with again, so that he can add a few more product pictures to the website.

If any of you who are reading this blog and have also looked at the website have any comments or suggestions, I would be really grateful if you could let me know.

Thats it for now, I am off to do my David Bailey bit!


  1. I do like the architectural style of the background and the colour scheme - suits the soap pics nicely

  2. Thank you very much, it is only temporary until I can get the proper graphics done, but it was the best I could find to go with the soaps.

  3. Looks good so far. I'm doing one too but have come to a confused halt trying to add the paypal links. will do it when in the of all possibilities and oppurtunities.

  4. Looking good Liz! Good luck with it all :-)

  5. Ooh Liz, it looks great!! DS has made a wonderful job and can't wait to see it when it is all complete :o))

  6. Thanks Helen, I will tell him what you said, perhaps that will encourage him to do some more ( I can dream, can't I, lol )
